"Special Guardianship Orders: The New Way Forward”: Professor Judith Harwin will give a webinar for the Association of Lawyers for Children
Mr Justice Keehan, Chair of the Public Law Working Group and Professor Judith Harwin, Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, Lancaster University are presenting a webinar “Special Guardianship Orders: The New Way Forward”. It will take place on Wednesday 5th August for members of the Association of Lawyers for Children.
Their presentation follows the recent publication of the Working Group’s report “Recommendations to achieve best practice in the child protection and family justice systems: Special guardianship orders”. The event will be chaired by Her Honour Judge Purkiss. It will include extracts from a new documentary film (details available here) made by the Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, Grandparents Plus and CoramBAAF in which special guardians describe their experiences of becoming a special guardian and the opportunities and challenges they face.
For further details please contact Professor Harwin (j.e.harwin@lancaster.ac.uk).