Webinar: New Directions for Family Drug and Alcohol Courts - slides and recording now available

The Centre for Child and Family Justice Research hosted a major webinar New Directions for Family Drug and Alcohol Courts on Wednesday 26th June 2024. It brought together members of the judiciary, Cafcass, local authorities, FDAC services, university academics, and many others.
The focus of the webinar was on what we know already and what we need to know about Family Drug and Alcohol Courts. Vicki Morris and Stephen Whitehead from the Centre for Justice Innovation explored the cost benefits of FDAC (view slides) and Professor Judith Harwin from Lancaster University reviewed the research evidence base (view slides). A central message was on the potential of FDACs to embrace new areas of research, particularly in relation to domestic abuse and parental offending, and to build cross-jurisdictional links with problem solving courts in the criminal justice system. A presentation by Fiona Deacon and Helen Fox on Greater Manchester’s Problem Solving Court for Women was a powerful illustration of how this crossover is working in practice (view slides).
The webinar did not shy away from the challenges facing FDACs as well as the opportunities. Outlining his thoughts on their future, Lord Justice Peter Jackson, Lead Judge for FDAC, highlighted the need for a secure funding base. Nevertheless, his overall message was optimistic. He noted that FDAC has the “complete and unqualified support” of the Lady Chief Justice and the last and current President of the Family Division. Lord Justice Peter Jackson then mapped out next steps for the judiciary, if FDAC is to expand. His conclusion was clear. As “FDAC is probably the most evidence-based court system that we have” and “a major force for good”, “the direction for FDAC should be forward”.
A recording of the event can be found on the CFJ's youtube channel here.
For further information, please contact Professor Judith Harwin (j.e.harwin@lancaster.ac.uk)