Parental experiences of care proceedings, supervision orders and care orders at home
Project Dates
November 2020 - March 2022
Department for Education
Project Summary
Study Aims
The study aimed to identify parents’ views and experiences of care proceedings, supervision orders and care orders at home in England and Wales and their recommendations for change. It was commissioned by the DfE to inform the work of the supervision order sub-group of the Public Law Working Group (PLWG). The sub-group is carrying out the first major review of supervision orders since 1989 and the lived experience of parents who remain with or are reunited with their children following care proceedings has not previously been charted.
Semi-structured interviews were held with 44 mothers and fathers (42 cases) in England and Wales. A sub-group of 7 parents took part in online focus groups to jointly identify their proposals and recommendations for change.
Harwin, J. and Golding, L. (2022) Supporting families after care proceedings: supervision orders and beyond. Parental perspectives on care orders at home. London: Department for Education. (report)
Research Team
Professor Judith Harwin (PI)
Lily Golding (Research Associate)
For further information, please contact: Professor Judith Harwin (