Webinar to launch new report today on the findings of the first review of Supervision Orders since the Children Act 1989
Webinar to launch new report today on the findings of the first review of Supervision Orders since the Children Act 1989
The President of the Family Division will open the webinar at 4.30 on 24th April 2023. A panel of speakers include the Hon Mr Justice Keehan and Professor Harwin, co-chairs of the Review, a parent with lived experience, members of the Family Justice Young People’s Board and Cafcass England Cafcass Cymru and the ADSS.
If you want to join the webinar please use the following link https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/58838bf2-db1e-49fb-9dcc-82622a7e1745@c6874728-71e6-41fe-a9e1-2e8c36776ad8