Webinar: New directions for Family Drug and Alcohol Courts (FDACs) - BOOK NOW!
Summer Webinar: New directions for Family Drug and Alcohol Courts (FDACs)
We are delighted to announce an upcoming webinar on 26th June, 2024 from 4.30pm to 6.00pm.
FDACs have established their significant contribution to reunifying families affected by parental substance misuse at the end of care proceedings. Their compassionate approach compared to standard care proceedings is also widely recognised. Yet there are many other pressing questions that need to be addressed. That is the purpose of this webinar. What is the economic case for FDACs? How can they be better integrated into the family justice system? Can FDACS contribute to better outcomes when domestic abuse and parental offending are involved? What are the implications for intersectoral coordination? The webinar will provide the latest information on these issues and consider what we know and what we need to know.
The programme is as follows:
Chair’s Welcome & Opening Remarks: Prof Judith Harwin, Co-director, Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, Law school, Lancaster University
What we know about FDACs and what we need to know: Prof Judith Harwin
Greater Manchester’s Problem Solving Court for Women: Helen Fox, Legal Adviser HMCTS to the Greater Manchester Women’s Problem Solving Panel; Fiona Deacon, Senior Probation Officer and Women’s lead for Greater Manchester Probation, with responsibility for the Women’s Problem-Solving Courts (WPSC)
Family Drug and Alcohol Courts – Costs and cost benefits: Vicki Morris, Deputy Director, Centre for Justice Innovation; Stephen Whitehead, Head of Data and Evidence, Centre for Justice Innovation.
Q & A Session
FDAC – Current Judicial Thinking: Lord Justice Peter Jackson, Lord Justice of Appeal and Lead Judge for FDAC
Book your place here: Event Booking Page