New book launch recording: 'A Watershed Moment for Social Policy and Human Rights? Where next for the UK Post-COVID’
A Watershed Moment for Social Policy and Human Rights? Where next for the UK Post-COVID
A recording is now available of the launch of the book by Amy Clair, Jasmine Fledderjohann and Bran Knowles entitled, "A Watershed Moment for Social Policy and Human Rights?: Where Next for the UK Post-Covid" (also available for Kindle at Amazon). The event included an overview of the key concepts and themes in the book; invited talks from Aaron Reeves (University of Oxford), Kayleigh Garthwaite (University of Birmingham), and Daniel Greene (University of Maryland), drawing out key contributions made by the book in relation to their own research; and a Q&A with the authors, exploring the data science implications of the work. Chaired by our own DSI Co-Director, Karen Broadhurst, this event kicks off a new priority focus on inequalities within the DSI Society theme. One hundred people registered to attend the event (50 of whom were gifted a copy of the book through DSI), including government employees and individuals affiliated with charities. The authors are keen to take up discussions with other academics interested in tackling inequalities, as well as charities and policymakers. Do feel free to get in touch with Jasmine ( or Bran ( to carry on the conversation and to explore what's next for this inequalities focus in DSI.
To view the recording click here.